摩爾多瓦葡萄酒首次亮相 2024 Vinexpo Paris

巴黎2024年2月19日 /美通社/ — 十八家摩爾多瓦酒莊參加了 
Ștefan Iamandi, Director of the Office of Vine and Wine of Moldova and Robert Joseph, journalist, consultant and winemaker at Vinexpo Paris 2024

為期三天的展會以「 摩爾多瓦葡萄酒大師課 」完美收官,該課程由摩爾多瓦駐法國大使 Corina Călugăru 女士、摩爾多瓦國家葡萄與葡萄酒局局長 Stefan Iamandi 先生以及記者 Robert Joseph 先生共同主持。 大師課上,三位嘉賓討論了摩爾多瓦 「打造國家葡萄酒品牌十年革新之路」的重要意義。

摩爾瓦多駐法國大使 Corina Călugăru 表示:「我們今天所經歷的是一個機遇。在未來十年裡,我們可能不是談論革命,而是談論轉型或再創造,特別是在摩爾多瓦的葡萄酒行業。」


與此同時,Ștefan Iamandi 概述了該國在出口市場持續取得的成功,優質的摩爾多瓦葡萄酒在海外市場上獲得了越來越多的關注。他表示: 「經過『十年打造國家葡萄酒品牌的革新之路』,摩爾多瓦葡萄酒對西方國家的出口金額翻了三倍。」

記者 Robert Joseph 亦觀察到:「人們愛上了摩爾多瓦葡萄酒,並互相推薦。然而,讓其名聲在世界廣為傳播並非易事。因此,可以说,摩爾多瓦葡萄酒行业仍然处于發展初期。」

參展酒莊表示,2024 Vinexpo Paris 是「與業界頂尖生產商同台展示的絕佳機會」。

媒體聯絡Parascovia Ignat, [email protected], +373 22 105 560

Representatives of the Moldovan wineries reunited under the country brand Wine of Moldova at Vinexpo Paris 2024
Representatives of the Moldovan wineries reunited under the country brand Wine of Moldova at Vinexpo Paris 2024


H.E. the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to France, Corina Călugăru, Stefan Iamandi, Director of the National Vine and Wine Office, and journalist Robert Joseph hosting Wine of Moldova’s masterclass at Vinexpo Paris 2024
H.E. the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to France, Corina Călugăru, Stefan Iamandi, Director of the National Vine and Wine Office, and journalist Robert Joseph hosting Wine of Moldova’s masterclass at Vinexpo Paris 2024


H.E. the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to France, Corina Călugăru greeting Moldovan wineries’ representatives attending Vinexpo Paris 2024
H.E. the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to France, Corina Călugăru greeting Moldovan wineries’ representatives attending Vinexpo Paris 2024


Wine of Moldova tasting during the masterclass organized at Vinexpo Paris 2024
Wine of Moldova tasting during the masterclass organized at Vinexpo Paris 2024