ASCO 2024精準醫學前沿丨Illumina因美納 最新研究推動基因檢測成為癌症治療標準流程

香港2024年5月31日 /美通社/ — 全球矚目的腫瘤盛會ASCO 2024將於當地時間5月31日至6月4日在美國芝加哥舉行,Illumina 因美納14項最新研究將亮相本次大會。作為全球基因定序和晶片技術的領導者,Illumina因美納在ASCO 2024中攜手國際知名臨床夥伴,將帶來哪些精準醫學前沿進展,讓我們今天先睹為快。

亮點(Transform oncology with genomics):

  • 廣泛型基因檢測 (CGP) 優於單基因檢測 (SGT) 的更多臨床實用性證據;
  • Illumina因美納 MRD(微量殘存疾病)檢測新進展;
  • 多項真實世界研究,消除市場准入障礙;
  • 廣泛型變異和免疫分析 (CGIP) 基於多組學資料更好評估腫瘤免疫;
  • 探索全基因組測序WGS在腫瘤常規臨床檢測中的可行性;

同時,Illumina 因美納 將在ASCO大會現場設立攤位(攤位號:35103),誠摯邀請您現場蒞臨交流!

Illumina 因美納 ASCO 2024 研究蓋覽

1.     Performance of comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) versus single gene testing (SGT) in guideline-recommended biomarker selection in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)


  • 摘要編號:8640
  • 發表單位: Illumina 因美納, Sarah Cannon Research Institute, Integra

2.     Paired matched normal sequencing to accurately identify somatic clonal hematopoiesis mutations (CHm) in solid tumor tissue and plasma specimens


  • 摘要編號: 3051
  • 發表單位: Illumina 因美納, Eurofins, Mayo Clinic

3.     A machine learning algorithm based on multi-omics biomarkers for the detection of tumor microsatellite instability


  • 摘要編號:1554
  • 發表單位: Illumina 因美納, Labcorp

4.     Differences in baseline characteristics and healthcare costs among insured patients with advanced cancer with vs without clinical trial participation  


  • 摘要編號:11154
  • 發表單位: Illumina 因美納, Optum

5.     A highly sensitive, low input, and automated assay for molecular residual disease detection (MRD) using whole-genome sequencing (WGS)  


  • 摘要編號:3060
  • 發表單位: Illumina 因美納

6.     Comprehensive genomic and immune profiling of non-V600 BRAF-mutated melanomas: Implications for therapeutic strategies beyond BRAF/MEK inhibitors

非V600 BRAF突變黑色素瘤的廣泛型基因檢測和免疫分析:對BRAF/MEK抑制劑以外治療策略的啟示

  • 摘要編號:e21544
  • 發表單位:IIlumina 因美納, Labcorp

7.     Multi-specimen comprehensive genomic profiling for diagnostic disambiguation in advanced and metastatic solid tumors Abstract 


  • 摘要編號:e15166
  • 發表單位: Illumina 因美納, Labcorp

8.     Screening for social determinants of health among patients with advanced and metastatic cancer undergoing comprehensive genomic profiling in underserved communities


  • 摘要編號:e13545
  • 發表單位: Illumina 因美納, Labcorp

9.     Implementation of a comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) panel for precision oncology at a cancer center in Brazil  


  • 摘要編號:e23520
  • 發表單位: Illumina 因美納, A.C. Camargo Cancer Center

10.  Feasibility of implementing whole genome sequencing into routine oncology care


  • 摘要編號:e15181
  • 發表單位: Illumina 因美納,Weill Cornell

11.  Real-world costs and outcomes associated with biomarker testing by comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) and non-CGP approaches among patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (mNSCLC)


  • 摘要編號:e20598
  • 發表單位: Illumina 因美納, Optum

12.  CGP-based IO biomarker assessment and treatment utilization across a major US health system


  • 摘要編號:e23109
  • 發表單位: Illumina 因美納, Providence

13.  NGS panels’ capture of biomarkers associated with targeted therapies in clinical trials

NGS panel捕獲與臨床試驗中標靶治療相關的生物標記物  

  • 摘要編號:e13508
  • 發表單位: Illumina 因美納

14.  Single point of entry to the European precision cancer medicine trial network PRIME-ROSE


  • 摘要編號:e23024
  • 發表單位: IMPRESS Team

關於Illumina 因美納


在腫瘤領域,Illumina因美納 致力於推動腫瘤個體化的識別與治療,以創新技術加速腫瘤基因組學的革新。我們的技術廣泛應用腫瘤基因組學研究,病理學與腫瘤臨床研究,腫瘤伴隨診斷以及腫瘤精醫學的未來探索。Illumina因美納在腫瘤領域的終極目標是:通過科學發現真正改變腫瘤患者及其家庭的生活。
